It must taste good, or something.
He can't get there himself- but you put him there and he hangs out indefinitely. Occasionally he 'cruises' a foot in one direction or the other, depending on the motivation with computers and remotes at the top of the list.
**He did practice on his music table before I tried the coffee table. Jackson loves his music table. He thinks it's the coolest thing ever. I like to put it on the 'Spanish' setting, because, well, who doesn't need more langue skills these days. It drives Andy nuts and he is always popping it back to 'English'. Oh well, I tried.
We've been working with signing for quite some time. We work on MILK, WATER, BATH, MORE, MOMMY and DADDY to name a few. Though the one we do most consistently is MILK (and MORE). The hard part about MILK is the sign is simply opening and closing your hand. Obviously this isn't a unique gesture, and he often makes this motion when feeling textured objects- or if he gets a Cheerio stuck to his palm. But there are times he does unconnected to any physical reason, and when offered said MILK he gobbles it up. So I'm calling this one too.
Upcoming milestones. I said I didn't post this earlier because I REALLY thought we had two big milestones coming up quickly, and they still are!
He is also starting to pull up on things (as standing is his favorite position, he's always trying to get there). He's not good at it, but he's working on it. He's also started to babble recently. . .lots of bababa, yayaya, and dadadas :)
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